Central Park Station

The Challenge

Many were hesitant about having an apartment complex in their neighborhood and especially one that the rents were not market rate.

The Result

Central Park Station is NeighborWorks Mountain Country Home Solutions premier new development at 400 West between 500 and 600 South in Provo, 2 blocks west of the Front Runner Station. The 59-unit development consisting of 4 1-BR units, 33 2-BR units, 16 3-BR units, and 6 4-BR town homes. Site amenities will include covered parking, a tot lot, bike racks, a raised-bed vegetable garden, exercise facilities and on-site storage for each unit.

Now that it is complete and people are living there we have been told that if they had known that it would be as nice as it turned out to be, they would not have made any objections.


59 Units

The financing package includes Bank Financing and Tax Credits

A committee of neighbors was assembled to plan the project and they did an amazing job with the assistance of a local developer.